Manage the 4 core missions of the CPTS in a single software package, simply...

Facilitating access to care, GP waiting lists, referring a patient to the right facility, securing the patient's return home without diverting patients, deploying cooperation protocols, implementing preventive actions such as population screening, organizing the response to a health crisis, improving the region's attractiveness...     


Organize your CPTS with Coordination software

physician coordination with AI
  • Manage your CPTS members
  • Share patient information in a medical record
  • Manage your circle of care (attending physician, referring nurse, corresponding pharmacist)
  • Secure instant messaging 
  • GP waiting list
  • Shared diaries to organize unscheduled care
  • Automatic or supervised intervention requests
  • Cooperation protocols
  • e-Parcours
  • Statistics

Carry out your core missions

Citana, Coordination's technical solution

Logo inzee.Care propulse par anamnese

Citana is the technical platform that enables us to meet the needs of our various partners and customers. It is marketed on a white label basis under the name Coordination to Territorial Health Professional Communities.

Many CPTS are joining us: why not you?

Every day, new CPTSs choose to join us to benefit from the rich functionality of Citana / Coordination, for example :  CPTS Adour Gave, CPTS Auray, CPTS Axe Majeur, CPTS Berry Vierzon Sologne, CPTS Bords de l'Oise, CPTS Brest Santé Océane, CPTS Centre 21, CPTS Centre Vendée, CPTS Coeur Essonne, CPTS Côte d'Or Haute Marne, CPTS Erdre et Canal, CPTS Est du Cher, CPTS Haute Corrèze Ventadour, CPTS Littoral Nord, CPTS Nanterre, CPTS Paris 5, CPTS Pays de Gex, CPTS Pays d'Or, CPTS Pays de Redon, CPTS Pays de Retz, CPTS Rennes Sud, CPTS Santé Seine Essonne, CPTS Sud Cher, CPTS Sud Côte d'Or, CPTS Sud Est Aubois, CPTS Sud Hurepoix, CPTS Sud Toulousain, CPTS Tregor, CPTS Val d'Oise Centre, CPTS Vierzon Sologne...

By September 2023, more than 40 CPTS and MSPs had chosen coordination, for

  • Its standard functionalities (SNP, secure messaging, practitioner directory, patient coordination file, community management, etc.) but also
  • Advanced functionalities: procedure requests, city-hospital pathways, cooperation protocols, multilingual patient self-questionnaires, population screening
  • Our support, our listening skills and our flexibility
  • A rapidly evolving solution (new developments every 15 days)

Selected by the Brittany region to manage unscheduled care 

The GCS e-santé Bretagne has chosen the Coordination solution to provide a digital service for managing Unscheduled Care (SNP) for the benefit of the region's CPTS and independent healthcare professionals.


You are an MSP, a health center or a practice

Citana can also help you 
  • organize appointment slots
  • carry out population screening,
  • qualify appointments before consultations
  • provide remote monitoring of your active file.
  • a simple, low-cost teleconsultation solution.